If you get a new phone and a new number after initial enrollment in Duo 2-factor authentication, follow the steps to re-activate Duo:
- Download the Duo Mobile app (from your respective APP store) on the new phone.
- Contact Computer Services at support@peru.edu or 402-872-2270 for a temporary bypass code
- Log into True You at https://trueyou.nebraska.edu
- When the Duo prompt appears, click on the “Other Options” link
- Select the “Bypass code – Enter a code from your IT help desk” option
- Enter the 9-digit bypass code
- Click on the Manage True You Duo Two-Factor Devices link
- Click on the Enter a Bypass Code button
- Enter the passcode from Computer Services in the space provided
- Click on the Add a device tile
- Follow the on-screen instructions or click here for other directions
- To delete an old phone, click the blue link on your device tile and select 'delete'