Make sure the ScanSnap Home program is installed for the ScanSnap IX1500 scanner.
The USB port should be connected to both the computer and the scanner in order to connect them.
Make sure the power cable is plugged into the scanner and the wall.
Each time an individual scans a document while signed into their account the ScanSnap program creates a different profile for that individual. This can be seen on the scanning device by swiping left or right on the different types of scanning. Each profile will consist of 6 different profiles. The scanner has a limit of 30 profiles.
To remove profiles so that more people can scan you have to go to the ScanSnap Home program. At the top left of the program you will see the settings list. Under the settings list select “Scan Settings”.
The ScanSnap Home – Scan menu will then pop up. On the upper right side select the pencil piercing the circle directly under the close button for the window.
A new window will pop up called “Edit profiles: iX1500-C08H015448”. You will then have to right click on each individual profile to select the “delete profile” button in order to remove profiles. Click the save button after removing or editing profiles.