- Enrollment tab
- Verify you are enrolled in classes.
- Financial Aid tab
- Accept/Decline awards
- Scholarship application
- Student Accounts tab
- Make payments
- Pay the room reservation fee
- Payment plan
- Profile tab
Your @bobcats.peru.edu account is the official email address for contacting you, so make sure to check it regularly.
There should be a message in the message box on your mPSC dashboard containing your email address and temporary password. You can review the information above if you need help finding it.
*Your email account is also used for logging into Canvas and campus WIFI.
Students are strongly encouraged to register with the College’s Emergency Alert System, Omnilert to receive messages for school closures and emergencies.
Parking permits are required and need to be displayed at all times. The good news is that they come at no additional cost. Fill out the e-form before arriving on campus.
Peru State College has an online bookstore.
For the most current information technology needs contact the School of your major.