What are all those boxes? The following is a quick review of the myPSC Home tab.
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The myPSC Dashboard - Home tab is the landing page when you first sign into myPSC with your NUID. This document hopes to explain the various boxes. | |
Messages box - contains links to important information from Admissions, Financial Aid, One Stop, and Student Records Offices. Holds can contain information preventing an action, such as enrollment. Check to make sure your progress is on track. Messages sub-box contains essential information, including your first-time @bobcats.peru.edu email account setup information. There is an example of a waiting message. View My Communications sent to your email. These items can be time-sensitive. |
My To Dos box require you to complete and/or submit College requests such as financial aid verification documents. |
Have questions about Canvas, your student record, or billing? The offices in the Contacts box are more than willing to answer them.
Estimated Account Calculations box contains the current semester account balance, less anticipated financial aid, and the anticipated balance due.
Classes box shows your currently enrolled classes should be listed here.
Account box shows your current account balance and a button to make an online payment. <<More information, contact One Stop>>
Student Quick Links box contains links to upload requested documents or complete e-form applications.
FERPA student rights prevent the College from disclosing your student record information to anyone else without your permission. FERPA Restrictions box has a link to set or remove restrictions for your student record. Paren|Guest Access box link is where you grant access for a parent or guest to your information, to allow staff to talk to them, or for them to make an online payment. |